Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Play Time~

All cats love the feather teaser. I keep on buying the new one every 2 month because it wont last so long.  I never tire watching them play and do their thing. Each of them has a different personality and style.  This time I want to introduce my kids toys: If  they are not sleep or busy destroying my toilet paper and magazines and messing our home, they must be busy playing with their toys.

First one is ToyToy. We get it from Pets Wonderland since Chika complain he need friend for his brain development. Chika loves to ask me to play with ToyToy: The Catch me game. He will jump over the couch and coffee table untill he out of his breath and start to make a funny sound. When Chika was a kitten, he used to do back flips trying to get at ToyToy. Sometimes he can play with ToyToy alone!! After playing "Catch me", He will bite and parade with ToyToy in his mouth around the house and bragging his success! Even when ToyToy's body parts is now a part, Chika still in love with ToyToy!!After drooling around with ToyToy he will groom ToyToy as he grooms himself.

Pinka on the other hand is a bad toy! This fish-shape pillow always manipulate Chippy and Chumy to be in the carrier for Vet visit. 

Pinka always use her Catnip perfume and manipulate Chippy and Chummy but wont stop them to chase after a laser pointer.  If there's one toy cats never seem to tire of, it must be a laser pointer.

And then we have ShhhShhh and Blackie where we brought back from Ikea. Both are meant for Choco.

Everyone know Choco will play rough and bite us like a pugs! So ShhhShhh and Blackie is our victim to protect our finger from Choco's teeth! Sorry guys. Its really effective during the grooming session.

Amarise love to play with a ping pong balls and she never seem to get tired of playing. I make sure they always have something new and challenging to play with. Cat toys don't cost a lot, so reward and challenge your Cat with something new to play! Now I have to buy some toy for Cottilion since she keep stealing others toy and messing with my small garden!
Hmmm.. Any ideas??

Monday, 8 August 2011

Stud Tails

At first, i thought that neutered cat wont face this kind of problem. I'm wrong. turn out that stud tail is quite normal if you own a male cat. Neutered or not. Its perfectly normal but if it left untreated, the tail will get greasy and start losing hair. If you realize, there is a dark pigmentation of the skin too.

My lovely Chika now look like a chicken! He is so fat but the tail is bald. Check out the pic..

Currently I'm using dish washing liquid to remove the dirt and oil, and quickly wash and rinse it before shampooing. If there is no improvement, i'll treat it with GOOP. Thats what Jimmy Lee taught us during Grooming Class. And as a precautionary i have sprinkled talc into the area to absorb oils and brushed it out after the bath..

Stud tail. Should dea with it before it is too late ;P
Let see if there is any improvement~