Sleep and wake up and eat and nap and play and sleep and sleep and dream and sleep back and wake up and rooming around and nap and play and eat and sleep and sleep.. that is what they do all day. it can be anytime and anywhere day or night. They can sleep even in front their water bowl or under my coffee table, under my bed, in the toilet, in the car, you name it.
He can sleep and walk few step and falls sleep again! Choco even mengigau, talking in her sleep! move her hand like trying to catch something then suddenly wake up and panting tired at the corner of my couch! I always witness this while watching TV! She must have been dreaming of chasing some flying can food!!
This schedule is no exaggeration. Cat sleep more than 18 hour per day! Active at night. Play around themself, investigating whatever mission, make a noise,eating, jump on top of your body when you are sleeping and puuuuring asking us to stroke them and sleep again like what TJ do at night.
Who want to be woken by a cat to pour more kibbles in their food bowl? Dont train your cat to wake you up in the middle of night just to feed them. Train them to sleep at night and active on day. Train them on weekend. at least they wont bother you and wake you up at on weekday night.
Go to sleep Amarise!! or eat some at Chika or Choco bowl!! I promise to feed you with more kibbles tomorrow morning!! FIRST thing to do list!!